As the goddess of the underworld my responsibility is to welcome the dead to the underworld. The only downside to this job is having to constantly keep enough bread to give to the deceased. Too many people die on a daily basis.
The hawk is typically associated with me.
I'm from the beautiful Egyptian culture as you probably could have guessed from my charming dress.
I'm very generous if I do say so myself. I'm kind enough to regenerate those who die. Aaaanndd I'm nice enough to allow people to view my beauty, I'd say I'm pretty charitable.
Some people might associate me with Isis, Nit, Mut, and Nut because we are all fertility related goddesses. I guess you could consider us friends.
My most distinguishing symbol is
. This is the hieroglyph for the west.

Hello Amentet, as my most distinguishing animal is the raven I can relate with our birds. My ravens represent wisdom and sight, what does your hawk represent?